Sun. Jan 26th, 2025

Hello fellow bloggers, family, friends, followers and soon to be framilowers…(Friend, Family, Follower, Blogger) it has been awhile since I have written but for good reason. My family recently made a HUGE move! We moved to England! Exciting right? Well to be honest it was both exciting and scary. For starters I was without 99% of my kitchen for over a month. I literally had 2 pots to pans and 3 plastic spoons to work with. Now don’t get me wrong, a good cook can make magic happen in the most dire of circumstances. I had a pantry and freezer full of food that I was determined to get rid of…big expectations with mediocre ambition. Most nights it was just easier to eat out and it gave me more blogging material. As soon as I get settled I’ll be back to being you more experiences from Europe. I look forward to this foodie adventure.

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